

August 8, 2024

XCHANGE: Tools for Your Maintenance and Reliability Teams’ Most Valuable Resource - Their Brain!

Day 02

There’s a growing need to ‘switch-off’. Why? Because our brains cannot handle this constant onslaught of stimulation.  

More information is coming at us than ever before and it’s reducing our memory, learning and attention spans.  This session explores positive, practical and achievable techniques which enhance workplace cultures and impact busy lives.  Walk out feeling better; equipped with an evidence-based pathway of making 1% improvements to enhance performance and wellbeing



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Other Sessions

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XCHANGE: Why is Work Management so Hard?

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XCHANGE: Prioritising Your Asset Management Digitisation Projects

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XCHANGE: Getting the Best out of Your Reliability Engineers

7–8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!