Ty Christopher

Ty Christopher

Director Energy Futures Network

University of Wollongong

Conference Sessions

Pitfalls and Opportunities for Maintenance Teams as Your Company Decarbonizes

The energy grid is experiencing a monumental shift, marked by a departure from traditional passive, one-directional energy assets to the emergence of active assets capable of multi-directional operation. This transformative landscape is driven by the integration of solar and battery technologies, fundamentally altering the operational paradigm for businesses. Beyond merely reducing carbon footprints, these technologies offer businesses the potential to cultivate new revenue streams.

However, this evolution presents both opportunities and pitfalls for asset managers seeking to deliver enhanced value to businesses. Ty will delve into the intricacies of this dynamic energy transformation, exploring how asset managers can navigate the challenges to unlock superior value for businesses while avoiding potential pitfalls.

  • A baseline of energy systems and the transformation already happening.
  • Energy assets as a new, active asset class to be managed and leveraged.
  • What are the potential pitfalls, and who can you trust?
  • Why energy literacy is the new competency for asset management success.

Ty is a former General Manager, Asset Management with Endeavour Energy with 40 years experience in the energy industry. He led the introduction of new technology into the electricity supply industry; such as large scale battery storage, embedded generation, and digital asset management techniques.

PANEL DISCUSSION: Why we Should Pursue High Trust Work Environments

High Trust leads to:

Higher levels of productivity – extending high trust to employees typically leads them to feel empowered make decisions and allowing them to work more effectively.  Decisions can be made quicker.

Enhanced Safety Culture – in a high trust environment employees feel safe raising concerns, admitting mistakes, providing full disclosure and transparency when things go wrong leading to better learning outcomes.

Higher employee engagement and retention – people in high trust environments tend to feel valued and respected for their contribution, regardless of their level/role within the organisation, leading to increased loyalty and commitment to company success.

Innovation and collaboration – in high trust environments people are not inclined to want to protect their patch or withhold ideas/information, ideas flow freely because it is not a competition within the organisation.  There are no hidden agendas.  

  • What does a high trust working environment look like?
  • What are the benefits of high trust to an organisation?
  • What erodes trust in an organisation?
  • Even though generally well-intended how do leaders influence levels of trust within an organisation?
  • What is critical for high trust?
View Conference Speakers

7-8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!