Sarah Hannah

Sarah Hannah

EGM Group Operations


Conference Sessions

PANEL DISCUSSION: Why we Should Pursue High Trust Work Environments

High Trust leads to:

Higher levels of productivity – extending high trust to employees typically leads them to feel empowered make decisions and allowing them to work more effectively.  Decisions can be made quicker.

Enhanced Safety Culture – in a high trust environment employees feel safe raising concerns, admitting mistakes, providing full disclosure and transparency when things go wrong leading to better learning outcomes.

Higher employee engagement and retention – people in high trust environments tend to feel valued and respected for their contribution, regardless of their level/role within the organisation, leading to increased loyalty and commitment to company success.

Innovation and collaboration – in high trust environments people are not inclined to want to protect their patch or withhold ideas/information, ideas flow freely because it is not a competition within the organisation.  There are no hidden agendas.  

  • What does a high trust working environment look like?
  • What are the benefits of high trust to an organisation?
  • What erodes trust in an organisation?
  • Even though generally well-intended how do leaders influence levels of trust within an organisation?
  • What is critical for high trust?
View Conference Speakers

7-8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!