Ron Rieger

Ron Rieger

Global Maintenance Leader

Mars Inc (US)

Conference Sessions

Building the Foundation for Maintenance and Operations Working Together

Maintenance and operations working together to drive outstanding results in manufacturing is a challenge. By focusing on the fundamentals of manufacturing and listening to your frontline workers, reliability can be increased dramatically while lowering your costs at same time. We are surrounded by many technology advancements, but having a strong foundation is a must to enable the new technology solutions of the future.

  • Focus on the 5 foundations of manufacturing: Centerlines, CILs, PMs, Master Cleaning Schedule, & 5S.
  • Operations and Maintenance Working Together.
  • Listening to your associates (frontline workers) - they will tell you the answers.
  • Continuously improve the fundamentals.

Ron has worked for Mars Inc for over 34 years in engineering, operations, R&D, and maintenance. He has a passion for connecting associates globally to drive collaborative solutions across the 130+factories within Mars. Ron is a big supporter of technology, but always balances this with the fundamental tools and the value of human relationships.

MASTERCLASS: Great Leaders. Ask Great Questions. Then LISTEN……

Many leaders fall into the trap of thinking they need to know all the answers and tell their teams what to do. However, I have seen the opposite. Leaders are more successful when they ask great questions and then LISTEN instead of trying to tell them exactly what to do. In this interactive session, we will explore how to do this and change your culture in a positive/sustainable way. Attend this session if you want to have fun while learning a powerful way to impact your teams and business from Front Line Workers to Senior Leaders.

In this session participants will take away how to….

  • Lead and Manage your teams to change the culture
  • Create Ownership with your teams
  • Influence others in a positive way
  • Change from a Reactive to Proactive

Ron has worked for Mars Inc for over 34 years in engineering, operations, R&D, and maintenance. He has a passion for connecting associates globally to drive collaborative solutions across the 130+factories within Mars. Ron is a big supporter of technology, but always balances this with the fundamental tools and the value of human relationships.

View Conference Speakers

7-8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!