Emma Jefferis

Emma Jefferis

Team Leader Water Mech/Elec

Gladstone Regional Council

Conference Sessions

Empathetic Leadership: from Beauty Therapist to Sewer Maintenance Team Leader

After 12 years of bouncing around the corporate side of council I noticed the massive gap in understanding between field and the corporate staff. I developed good working relationships with the field staff and knew their frustrations. Everyone wants the same outcome, but the method of communication wasn’t landing. I went into business improvement to try and bridge the gap, but still couldn’t make the required impact.

My only remaining option was to attempt to make change on the inside. So, I jumped in the deep end and became a team leader.

  • From beauty therapist to leading sewer infrastructure maintenance teams.
  • Understanding the communication rift between corporate and field.
  • Infiltrating a new team and gaining their trust – how I did it.
  • Healing the consequences of broken communication.
  • Learn about your people and use them for their strengths.
  • Celebrate diversity, encourage inclusivity.
  • Doing things differently.
  • Leading is about being vulnerable, consistent, and fair.
  • Having all the technical knowledge is not a necessity.

The work continues, but I now have a growing team of fitters and electricians who are happy to come to work, tackle more complex jobs, have less unplanned sickies, who reach out for help with mental health, and apologise to each other when frustrations have been high.

PANEL DISCUSSION: Scratching Below the Surface - Mental Health Impacts

Health and Wellbeing is very much front and centre for maintenance and reliability leaders. Creating mentally healthy workplaces is a necessity for employee productivity, satisfaction, and organisational success.

This engaging conversation will explore the strategies and practices that leaders are using to build workplaces that support and empower employee well-being, engagement, and productivity. How do we manage the growing concerns regarding the mental health and well-being of our workforce and teams. During this session we will focus on the projects bringing results.

In this session we will:

  • Learn how organisations can use technology effectively
  • Hear about the key tactics we can employ to communicate with traditionally hard to engage workers
  • Examine the key support services in a hybrid/online environment to bring about benefits
  • Look at the changing psychosocial risk landscape – regulation and compliance “ fit for purpose solutions”
View Conference Speakers

7-8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!