Drew Hellyer

Drew Hellyer

Manager - Asset Data & Assurance

Aurizon Network

Conference Sessions

PANEL DISCUSSION: Aligning Asset Strategy to Asset Lifecyle

Understanding why your assets exist is a simple yet important question for leaders to ask. Once we understand this, we then need to ensure our strategic asset management approaches, maintenance plans and renewal triggers are supporting the reason for existing.  Asset Management is about balancing risk, cost, availability, and safety within the constraints of your business environment.

These Asset Management leaders will discuss how they have tuned their asset management approaches to align to organisational goals and are managing their assets for the full asset life cycle.

  • Understanding why your assets exist.
  • Balancing ideal asset management with operational imperatives.
  • Keeping an eye to the future to ensure your decisions today are helping not hindering your assets future effectiveness.
  • Defined Asset Standards, Policies and Strategic Asset Management Plans.
  • Aligning your approach to climate adaptation requirements.
  • TOTEX and options for the Capital and Maintenance mix assessment.
View Conference Speakers

7-8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!