COL Adam J. Dobney

COL Adam J. Dobney

Director – ERP Data Governance and Lifecycle

Department of Defence

Conference Sessions

Developing a Data Mindset to Drive Business Insights

As Defence launches into its SAP implementation journey, we’ve had to transform how we think about, and manage data. The legacy data landscape has grown organically, resulting in a complicated ecosystem where the source of truth hard is to determine, and data sharing is difficult.

Realising the full potential of this mammoth transformation required an uplift in processes, technology, and most importantly – people. Cultivating a data mindset has been a challenge. Adam will share lessons learnt and challenges faced in understanding how to apply a consistent model that also provides enough flexibility to meet user's specific needs, and gains business buy-in.

  • A framework that empowers and support data custodians.
  • From legacy ways of working to leveraging data insights.
  • Engaging and listening to the business.
  • People need ownership.
  • Training (what) versus education (why).
  • Building trust over time to enable successful transformation
  • Data is not always meaningful to stakeholders.
  • Pitching the message at the right level to resonate with different areas of the business.
View Conference Speakers

7-8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!