

August 8, 2024

XCHANGE: ChatGPT and Maintenance

Day 02

There is no doubt that the future is here with us and applications like ChatGPT are just a tip of the iceberg. Will we still need Maintenance SMEs or Advisors to tell us how to troubleshoot or direct us on possible causes and resolution? Or will the machines take over and do it better than us?



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Other Sessions

COL Adam J. Dobney

Department of Defence

Developing a Data Mindset to Drive Business Insights

Drew Hellyer

Aurizon Network

Dr Janvi Shah

Arcadis (UK)

Jodie Jinnette

Melbourne Airport

Dr John Ross

Maintenance Innovators (US)

PANEL DISCUSSION: Aligning Asset Strategy to Asset Lifecyle

Marissa Cowcher


Psychological Safety to Build Trust and Influence Cultural Change

7–8 August 2024

Crown Promenade, Melbourne

See you there!